The primary vision is to uplift the standard of life, morality and education of the most deserving and impoverished people.
To assist needy families and individuals with their short term poverty alleviation requirements as well as their long term empowerment via educational, training and developmental needs in order to assist them in becoming self-sufficient.
To vigorously strive towards achieving maximum productivity and producing the most professional results for our donors and those in need.
To strive to be the premier collecting & distributing agency in Southern Africa.
To deliver a service excellence to our constituency.
To provide relief in respect of food to the starving and hungry, water to the thirsty, medical care to the sick, education to the needy, and inculcating a value based behaviour and lifestyle.
To establish poverty relief developmental projects which ultimately lead towards self – sufficiency, thereby restoring the dignity, respect and honour of our fellow human kind
Zakaat Nisaab: R11923 |
Mahr Fatimi: R29806 |
Minimum Mahr: R596 |
24 carat gold: R1769 g |
22 carat gold: R1621g |
18 carat gold: R1326g |
9 Carat Gold: R663g |
Krugerrand: R57770 |
Silver: R19.47g |
© 2018 Gift of the Needy. All rights reserved.
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